Frenchie Tails

For many new dog owners, the most pressing question when looking at a French Bulldog puppy is often “Do French Bulldogs have tails?” It’s no surprise that this query has been asked for centuries as these beloved pooches are known for their signature short and stubby tails. But where did it all start and why do Frenchies have their tails docked? Let’s find out!


The French Bulldog is a small breed with a unique body structure that includes a wide variety of tail types. While all French Bulldogs are known for their short and stubby tails, there is actually much more to the story than meets the eye. In this article, we will explore the origins of Frenchie‘s tails as well as delve into any potential health issues associated with them. We will also discuss the importance of tail maintenance and provide some useful care tips. Finally, we will answer a few frequently asked questions (FAQs) to help you better understand why French Bulldogs have their tails docked.

French Bulldog Tail Types

The most iconic feature of French Bulldogs is their short and stubby tails, but there are actually five different types of tails that can be found in this breed. The first type is known as a “hock” or “stumpy” tail, which is the shortest of all French Bulldog tails. This type of tail can range in length from a few inches to as short as half an inch. The second type is known as a “bobtail” and is somewhat longer than the hock or stumpy tail. It typically measures around three to four inches in length.

The third type of Frenchie tail is the “pompom” or “corkscrew” tail, which is the longest of all French Bulldog tails and can measure up to six inches in length. The fourth type is known as a “flag” tail and is generally around four to five inches in length. Lastly, there is the “screw” tail which looks like a flag tail but has a slightly curved shape.

Why Do French Bulldogs Have Their Tails Docked?

The answer to this question depends on the country where you live. In countries like the United Kingdom, docking tails is illegal and French Bulldogs are born with full-length tails. However, in countries like the United States and Canada, tail docking is allowed and French Bulldogs often have their tails docked shortly after they are born.

The reason why these countries allow tail docking is that it can reduce the risk of certain health issues that can arise from having longer tails. For example, long-tailed French Bulldogs may be more prone to spinal injuries or hip dysplasia due to the added weight of their tails. Additionally, long-tailed French Bulldogs may also be more prone to tail pocket infections due to bacteria and moisture accumulating in the area where the tail meets the body.

The French Bulldog Tail: Genetics, Health Issues, and Maintenance

French Bulldog tails are known for being short and stubby due to a genetic mutation that occurs during development. This mutation is responsible for reducing the length of the vertebrae in their tail which results in a shorter and more compact tail. While this mutation is beneficial in terms of reducing the risk of certain health issues, it can also cause some other issues that need to be monitored closely.

For example, one potential issue that French Bulldogs may experience is a condition known as tail pocket syndrome. This occurs when bacteria and moisture accumulate in the area where the tail meets the body which can lead to infection or inflammation. To reduce the risk of this condition, owners should ensure their pup’s tails are kept clean and dry. Additionally, it is also important to regularly check for any signs of infection or inflammation such as redness, swelling, or discharge.

French Bulldog Tail Pocket Infection Care Tips

If your French Bulldog has a tail pocket infection, there are a few steps you can take to help them recover quickly and prevent further issues from occurring. First, it is important to make sure the area is kept clean and dry at all times by bathing the pup with a mild shampoo and patting the area dry with a clean towel. Additionally, you may want to apply an over-the-counter ointment or cream to help soothe any inflammation or redness and reduce the risk of further infection.

If the tail pocket infection does not clear up within a few days, it is important to take your pup to the veterinarian as they may need antibiotics to treat the infection. It is also important to keep in mind that regular grooming practices such as trimming the hair around the tail pocket can help reduce the risk of infection as it keeps the area cleaner and allows air to flow more freely.

Other Facts About French Bulldog Tails

While all French Bulldogs are known for their short and stubby tails, there are a few other interesting facts about these pooches that you may not know. For example, some French Bulldogs have a condition called “merle” which is characterized by patches of white fur on their bodies. These patches are usually found on their tails and can range in size from a few inches to the entire length of the tail.

Additionally, French Bulldogs may also have what is known as a “brindle” pattern on their coats which is characterized by dark stripes or spots that run along the length of their bodies. These patterns are often found on their tails and can be used to identify different breeds of French Bulldogs.

French Bulldog Tail Structure Do Tail Pockets Matter for French Bulldogs?

Tail pockets are the area where the tail meets the body and are important for both aesthetic and health reasons. Aesthetically, a well-defined tail pocket can give your pup a more balanced and symmetrical look. Health-wise, properly maintained tail pockets can help reduce the risk of infection as it allows air to flow more freely in this area.


In conclusion, French Bulldogs have their tails docked for a number of reasons including reducing the risk of certain health issues. There are five different types of tails found in this breed, ranging from short and stubby to longer and more flag-like. It is also important to keep an eye on their tail pockets as they can become infected if not properly maintained. With the right care and maintenance, you can ensure that your pup’s tail remains healthy and strong!


Do French Bulldogs have tails when born?

Yes, all French Bulldogs are born with full-length tails. However, in some countries like the United States and Canada, these tails may be docked shortly after they are born.

What could be the possible French Bulldog tail issues?

One of the most common issues associated with French Bulldog tails is tail pocket syndrome which occurs when bacteria and moisture accumulate in the area where the tail meets the body. This can lead to infection or inflammation and should be treated immediately by a veterinarian.

What do French Bulldogs have their tails docked?

In countries like the United States and Canada, tail docking is allowed in order to reduce the risk of certain health issues such as spinal injuries or hip dysplasia caused by extra weight on the tail. Additionally, it can also reduce the risk of tail pocket infections due to bacteria and moisture accumulation.

What do French Bulldogs’ tails look like?

French Bulldogs have five different types of tails that can vary in length from a few inches to as short as half an inch. The most iconic type is the “hock” or “stumpy” tail which is the shortest of all French Bulldog tails. Additionally, some French Bulldogs may also have a condition called “merle” which is characterized by patches of white fur on their bodies, including their tails.