Eye Care For Your Frenchie: What You Need To Know To Keep Your Dog’s Vision Clear

For Frenchies to enjoy life, they have to become healthy. That includes their eyesight to see the bright and wonderful world they have with their owners.

But if your Frenchie is experiencing some eye issues, they won’t be able to give the best out of them. Here in this article, we will see some of the most common French bulldog eye problems, how to recognize and how to treat them. Also, we will tackle the part of how we could easily prevent these things to happen to our beloved Frenchie. Let’s get into it!

The Most Common French Bulldog Eye Problems

Cherry Eye

“Cherry eye” is a frequent name for the protrusion of the third eyelid gland. The “extra” or third eyelid, also known as the “nictitating membrane,” is present in many mammals, including dogs, and functions as an additional layer of protection for the eye, particularly when hunting or combat. Cherry eye is a term used to describe when this gland prolapses or “pops out.”


A red, bloated mass on the lower eyelid near the snout or muzzle indicates prolapse of the third eyelid gland (it takes its name from the resemblance to a cherry). The “cherry eye” can be big and cover a lot of the cornea, or it can be little and only show up occasionally.

Corneal Ulcers

An open sore on the cornea’s outer layer is known as a corneal ulcer. A frequent cause of it are infections that come into your dog’s eye. A corneal ulcer may first be mistaken for pink eye or conjunctivitis.


Infection or corneal ulcer symptoms include:

  • the eye that appears bloodshot or red
  • Itching and bleeding
  • responsiveness to light (photophobia)
  • eye-watering and excruciating pain
  • a corneal white spot

Dry Eye

Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), also referred to as dry eye, is a corneal and adjacent tissue inflammation brought on by dryness. It is a frequent eye ailment brought on by insufficient lacrimal gland and/or third eyelid gland production of the aqueous part of the tear film.


The majority of dogs affected by this disease have inflamed red and painful eyes. They frequently hold their eyes closed, blink too much, or squint. The decrease in the aqueous (watery) component of the tear film frequently results in the presence of a thick, yellowish, mucoid discharge. Corneal ulceration is also frequently seen. There is frequently a history of recurrent eye injuries, ulcers, or conjunctivitis in chronic instances.


Entropion is a disorder when the eyelid slides inward, rubbing the dog’s delicate cornea with the eyelashes and surrounding hair. One or both of the upper and lower lids may be impacted. Entropion causes eye irritation and, if left untreated, can result in corneal ulcers.


Entropion in dogs causes overall eye pain, rubbing at the face, and sensitivity to light. Giant and sporty breeds frequently have mucoid or purulent discharge coming from the outside corner of their eyes, while short-nosed breeds frequently have excessive tears, bloodshot eyes, and excessive blinking. The symptoms of secondary entropion in dogs vary depending on the underlying etiology, but typically involve ocular discharge and squinting. The cornea may cloud over and appear white or blue if the entropion results in corneal ulcers.

Inflamed Eyes

Dogs with blepharitis have inflamed eyelids and skin around their eyes. Dogs with blepharitis frequently itch or rub their faces or eyelids out of irritation. The palpebral conjunctiva, the inner surface of the eyelid, may experience secondary inflammation as a result of this.


Some warning signs and symptoms are: 

  •  red-colored sclera (the white part of the eye)
  • infection of the conjunctiva
  • enlarged eyelids
  • Skin that is flaky or scaly around the eyes
  • pigmentation loss around the eyes
  • pain near the eyes
  • eye sludge

If your dog exhibits any of the aforementioned signs, call your veterinarian right away.


Frenchies frequently suffer from pink eye, also known as conjunctivitis. Conjunctivitis in dogs often results in red, inflamed eyes, similar to pink eye in people. Because of this, the illness is sometimes known as “pink eye.”

Conjunctival irritation is the literal meaning of the medical term conjunctivitis. The tissue that lines your dog’s eye, eyelids, and third eyelid is called the conjunctiva, and when it becomes inflamed and red, it may be a sign that your dog has conjunctivitis and needs to visit the vet.


Your dog’s eyes may discharge anything that is clear and watery, mucus, or even purulent mucous, which may seem yellowish or green. Many dogs experience red, puffy eyelids and may squint or blink too much. Additionally, the “White art” or sclera may clog up.

Watery Eyes

Epiphora is the Greek word for excessive tears in the eye. It is a symptom rather than a particular disease and is connected to a number of illnesses. The lacrimal ducts, also known as tear ducts, are found in the outer corner of the eye, close to the nose. Normally, a thin film of tears is created to lubricate the eyes, and the surplus liquid drains into them. Tears are discharged through the nasolacrimal ducts into the throat and the back of the nose. The most frequent cause of epiphora is insufficient tear film drainage from the eye.


The most typical clinical symptoms of epiphora include moistness or dampness under the eyes, reddish-brown staining of the undereye fur, odor, skin irritability, and skin infection. Many dog owners claim that their pet’s face is always damp, and they sometimes even get a glimpse of tears running down their dog’s face.

How to Recognize, Treat and Manage French Bulldog Eye Problems


Your Frenchie may require a visit to the vet if they see spots or redness, are excessively blinking, have odd drainage coming from one or both eyes, or are scratching their eyes with their paw or on the carpet. Other typical symptoms of an eye issue include cloudiness, a visible third eyelid, changes in eye color, tear staining, red or white eyelid lining, and cloudiness.

It’s crucial to get checked out right away if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above. Most problems, if left untreated, can worsen and result in lasting harm.

You could buy an over-the-counter saline wash if you think allergies are the possible cause of the symptoms. Consult your veterinarian if the symptoms do not subside in three days.

How to Reduce the Risk of French Bulldog Eye Problems

The French Bulldog is predisposed to eye issues genetically, which increases their likelihood of developing them. You can, however, take a few precautions to lessen this danger.

Make sure that no shampoo or soap gets into your Frenchie’s eyes when giving them a bath. Their eyes are readily irritated by shampoo chemicals. Additionally, routinely check for dry eyes and any odd marks on their eyes.

Cleaning your dog’s tear stains once a week might also assist to avoid infection. This can be accomplished by frequently using sterile eye wash and eye wash pads.


Any French Bulldog owner might be able to immediately attest that eye issues in this breed are pretty common. However, minor problems can be discovered before they become too serious with the right preventative care. The best method to keep your dog healthy is to take him to a vet who has experience with Frenchie care on a regular basis.


What are the least common French bulldog eye problems?

Dry eye, corneal ulcers, and cherry eye are the most common eye problems your Frenchie may experience.

What are the most common triggers of French bulldog eye problems?

The most serious and painful eye conditions in Frenchies are likely corneal ulcers. They are typically brought on by trauma to the cornea, or chemical burns from shampoo, but they can also be brought on by untreated dry eyes.

What do you need to know about eye discharge in French bulldogs?

Mucus, yellow-green pus or a watery eye discharge can all be signs of conjunctivitis, an inflammation of the lining of your dog’s eye. There’s a wide range of causes for conjunctivitis, from allergies, injury, birth defects, and tear duct problems, to foreign matter, dry eye, distemper, or even tumors.

How Can You Tell If Your French Bulldog is Experiencing Eye Trouble?

Your Frenchie may require a visit to the vet if they see spots or redness, are excessively blinking, have odd drainage coming from one or both eyes, or are scratching their eyes with their paw or on the carpet.

What’s An Easy Way To Tell if My French Bulldog Is Blind?

Your dog is bumping into objects, has signs of anxiety or hesitation when in new places, is suddenly unwilling to go up or down stairs, or jump onto furniture which they normally did. These are common symptoms for a blind Frenchie.