How To Introduce A French Bulldog To A Cat

Introducing two pets who may be unfamiliar with each other can sometimes be challenging. But with a little bit of patience, guidance and persistence, you might find yourself having success in introducing a French bulldog and a cat.

Before they meet

french bulldog cat

Before you even begin introducing the two, there are steps that should be taken to make sure both your French bulldog and cat feel safe. First, make sure the environment is familiar to both pets—it should be a neutral area for them to explore and calmly assess each other.

Next, familiarize your pets with the scent of one another by giving both individual items that have been rubbed or sprayed with the opposite pet’s latest scents. This helps establish an initial, positive relationship for the animals to become familiar with rather than forcing an immediate face-to-face introduction.

How to properly introduce French bulldogs and cats?

french bulldog cat

Once your pets have gotten used to each other’s smells, slowly introduce them to each other, starting off with a voice introduction. Animals communicate through smells and sound more than visuals for the most part, so make sure your cat can hear your French bulldog first before introducing them in person. This will help them become accustomed to the sound of each other’s voices before they actually see each other.

After your cat has gotten used to hearing the French bulldog, slowly introduce them in person. First, let your cat observe the French bulldog from a safe distance and ensure that he is not being too aggressive or agitated, as this may be perceived by your cat to mean harm. When done right, your pets should start getting used to each others’ presence.

Get Used to Each Other’s Smell

french bulldog cat

In order for your French bulldog and cat to become comfortable with each other, it is essential that they associate friendly scents with one another. This can be done by rubbing them both against the same toy or object so that they share a mutual scent. Doing this several times over a few days will help them to become used to each other’s smell and recognize it as familiarity rather than fear.

What to do if things get out of hand

french bulldog cat

If at any point you feel that the situation between your pets is becoming hostile, intervene immediately by separating them and putting them in different rooms to cool down. Do not scold either pet, as this can further exacerbate the issue.

What are the main steps to keep in mind when introducing French Bulldogs and Cats?

french bulldog cat

  • Give both pets their own distinct scents.
  • Let your cat hear and become used to the sound of the French bulldog’s voice before making a physical introduction.
  • Slowly introduce them face-to-face in a neutral area.
  • Remove the animals if things become hostile, and do not scold either pet.
  • Familiarize them with mutual scents by rubbing against the same items several times.


How do I introduce a French bulldog to a cat?

The best way is to start by allowing the cat to get familiar with your French bulldog’s smell and sound before you let them meet; this can be done by rubbing their separate items with the other’s scent and allowing your cat to hear your French bulldog bark. Once they are used to each other, slowly introduce them face-to-face in a neutral area—if things become hostile, intervene and separate them.

What should I do if my French bulldog and cat don’t get along?

If the situation between your pets becomes hostile, intervene immediately by separating them into different rooms to cool down. Do not scold either pet, as this can further exacerbate the issue, and be sure that their environment is familiar to give them a sense of security and comfort.

How long does it take for a French bulldog and a cat to get used to each other?

This varies from pet to pet. Some may get used to each other instantly, while others may take weeks before they can properly interact. Be patient and guided, as it can take time for both animals to properly get used to each other.

Is it safe to leave my French bulldog and cat alone together?

No, not initially, at least. Until your pets are fully comfortable with each other and can interact peacefully, it is best not to leave them unsupervised, as this can increase the chances of hostility between them.

Can a French bulldog and a cat be best friends?

Yes, they can! Just be sure to take the necessary precautions during their introduction stage in order for them to become comfortable with each other and enjoy peaceful coexistence.

french bulldog cat